Training and Capacity building is understood as the process of strengthening an individual in order to increase its effectiveness and social impact, to achieve its goals and sustainability over time. It also forms an integral part of organization work and one of the core mandates of being technical support agency to Department for Child Rights, (DCR), Rajasthan and Child Resource Centre (CRC), HCM RIPA. The execution of this is done in two ways.
Class room Training-
The organization plays a pivotal role in building capacity of various stakeholders who are working for children in the state and outside the state on the various subjects of Child Protection. Recently the organization played a crucial role by supporting Child Resource Centre (CRC) in organizing 8 days residential training for all the Child Welfare Committee in Rajasthan. Further to this organization has conducted trainings in past for Child Care Institution, Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU), Media etc.

Onsite Handholding Training
For the effective implementation of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 it is very much required that bodies like Child Welfare Committees, Juvenile Justice Boards, Child Care Institutions and Special Juvenile Police Units etc work effectively. Currently, these structures do not have proper guidance and technical supports where they can consult on frequent basis. This affects their working resulting into accumulation of pendency’s and delay of work. In view of this Antakshari Foundation has started handholding support to these structures which includes technical guidance in case management, training on documentation, exercising of judicial powers, soft skills etc.

Police Training
The organization is engaged in training of law enforcement officials especially Police and Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU). The programme was initiated with the realization to sensitize police to have a child friendly approach towards children who are in need of care and protection and Children in Conflict with Law. Apart from sensitization knowledge of police personnel’s towards Juvenile justice Act, 2015 and other child related laws needs to be enhanced as they lack in basic legal information, handling of child victims and children in conflict with law which is beyond the satisfactory level.
Antakshari organizes training programmes for such police officials and has designed various modules for training which covers various aspects of the JJ Act, 2015, wider child rights issues, the persistence and implications of child trafficking, child labour etc. The results of these trainings have been encouraging — many who have undergone them have got back to us with queries as well as information.