
At ANTAKSHARI we provide opportunity to students interested in gaining practical hands-on experience on the broader relationship between theoretical and practical aspects and explore the classroom learning with the field and policy level experiences in the State. The broad range of internship opportunities at Antakshari allows prospective interns to opt for the topics based on their areas to gain
heir professional experience.
The areas where they are exploring their expertise like Child Rights, Policy level initiatives in Child Protection, Assessment of Acts in the field level, Capacity assessment of various stakeholders working in Child Protection.
Antakshari provides internships throughout the year for students from various institutes in India. For us internship must be mutually beneficial. Every intern receives personal supervision. Here are some of the recent works our interns have produced-
- Desk review of reports of Round–table Conferences held on Effective Implementation of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of children) Act,
2015. - Comparative research of statistics of National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB).
- Developing Rights and Entitlements for CICL and CNCP.
- Strengthening documentation of cases of child victims.
- A Study on “Structures of Integrated Child Protection Scheme in Rajasthan”.
- A Study on “Status of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 in Rajasthan”.
Interested in Intership with us